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Dance School

Dance School


Nahualli Dance School was established in 2010 at the same time Nahualli Folklore Society was founded in Vancouver, BC.

We started this initiative as a way to share our culture and to keep our cultural roots and the identity of Mexico alive among the Mexican community in Vancouver and surrounding areas.

We aim to represent Mexico through traditional dance and the Mexican folklore, sounds, music, clothing, and colours. We're proud to share our culture and history with our Canadian community!

Interested in our classes? Please contact us to request more information and set up your membership today!

Class Schedule: Mondays,  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Dancin' Stars Studio: 7757 Edmonds St, Burnaby BC


3 - Discovery

Our dance training begins during rehearsal season, which usually starts in January and continues until October. Nine months of intense dance work the mind, the body, the arms, and the feet.

In every rehearsal season, we explore and learn body alignment and positioning, foot-work techniques, skirt-twirling techniques, as well as steps from dances from different geographic regions of Mexico and from different periods of Mexican history (Pre-Columbian, Colonial, Post-Independence, Pre-Revolutionary, Post-Revolutionary, and Contemporary).

2 - Choreography

From March until May we prepare dance choreography and dance staging. We constantly focus on team work as well as individual progress.

At this stage of our teaching methodology, we review Mexican-Dance-Styles with special attention to details (body positioning, the use of props, skirt-twirling styles, etc).

1- Performance

Performance season runs from July until November. We usually have a busy performance schedule dancing all around the Vancouver Lower Mainland (Downtown Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, North Vancouver, New Westminster, Surrey, Langley and more). We close our Dance season with our Day of the Dead performance, usually held at the end of October or beginning of November.

Dance Technique

Traditional Mexican dance is comprised of several dance techniques, Nahualli Folklore Society's Dance School focuses on:

Foot-work technique

Body positioning

Skirt twirling


We are dedicated to training our students to excel while providing a fun, family-friendly, professional atmosphere. We strive to inspire a love of Mexican dance in all our students.

Interested in our classes? Please contact us to request more information and set up your membership today!

Class Schedule: Mondays,  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Vancouver B.C.




As part of Nahualli's commitment to the community we created the Nahualli Kids Initiative to teach the little kids in the Lower Mainland the latin music and the rythms of Mexico.

Whether you are of Mexican heritage and want to reinforce your cultural roots in your family, or you're a parent who happens to have a little dancer in your life, this is a great chance to provide a broadened view life, dance, and education from qualified and energetic professionals.

We aim to boost in kids the technical skills that underlie physical communication. Little children are incredibly creative individuals capable of absorbing knowledge like sponges and skillfully articulate communication and express themselves through movement.

Giving children access to art and activities outside of the school curriculum will further enhance communication between kids and young adults bringing a potential strengthening to the family bond.


Yes, It's going to be FUN, FUN, FUN!